This post shows you the best small apartment decluttering ideas!
Declutter small apartment is essential and cannot be strengthened enough, but the frequency is under debate.
The Marie Kondo of the world will say one should do monthly declutters. But it’s not gonna happen, let’s be realistic.
I’m here to promote seasonal home decluttering, maybe even every six months.
In my perspective, the frequency doesn’t matter too much, especially in small apartments. I’d much rather stay diligent in decluttering a small apartment. And trust me, the results are pretty life-changing.

Home decluttering offers instant gratification as you move objects to create new space. More importantly, it generates sources of self-empowerment by taking control of one’s own life.
I aim for a home environment where I feel luxurious and at ease. Here are some of my favorite tips with a step-by-step guide to decluttering without depersonalizing your home.
1. Assessing Your Space

Think of yourself as a project manager. Before kick-starting this overwhelming task immediately, examine your space as a whole.
Ask yourself:
- How much space is flat surfaces, and how much is vertical space?
- What are the critical pieces of furniture?
- How much storage space do you have, and of what percentage is solely the living space?
This is the best way to start decluttering, especially for small spaces.
2. Declutter Small Apartment is not Depersonalize

At first, decluttering might sound harsh. Hoarding is a negative pattern in most cases, and everyone can use a decluttering session occasionally.
But rest assured, a well-kept home is not just a storage unit. Getting rid of clutter is not equal to taking out one’s personality.
Old photos put in existing wooden frames will add characters to any room.
3. Visualize the Result

Use your imagination generously, and think about the beautiful feeling of your ideal home.
It is easier to organize, maintain, and visually pleasing to the eyes.
Feel the energy the new environment brings, remember how good it makes you feel, and then use it as the motivation to start the decluttering process.
4. Categorize and Conquer to Declutter Small Apartment

Clean out your home by category, not by location.
Put away all of your cooking appliances at once, cosmetics products the next, finish up the extra stuff, etc.
I know it’s counterintuitive, but this will help you save a lot of time and energy.
5. Action First, Strategize Second

The perfectionist tendency may ask for a detailed action plan, but I suggest you act on it first and find a designated area for each object category.
Even just by reducing visual clutter, you will gain so much power and control back.
Learning by doing is the mantra.
6. Embrace a Minimalist Mindset

A professional organizer is often a minimalist in life, with no attachment to unnecessary items.
One of their famous 90/90 rules questions you on the item’s usability both in the last 90 days and in the next 90 days to come.
Keep in mind that the 90 days is just an abstract number; you can adjust it to whatever you feel comfortable, it is the thinking framework that matters.
By switching to the minimalist mindset, you will find decluttering more actionable.
7. 3 Simple Piles “Beautiful, Useful, Sentimental”

Segmentation is another effective way for small apartments to declutter.
Breaking your possessions into “Beautiful, Useful, Sentimental” piles helps narrow them down, making it easier for later steps.
Ask yourself:
- Are the beautiful items at your home contributing to your daily lives?
- Are the sentimental objects holding you down to your past life?
Make a decision quickly to avoid excessive accumulation. After all, there is always a yard sale.
8. The Theory of “One-In-One-Out”

We have limited space, so bear that in mind at all times.
When making a declutter innovative apartment plan, you can still make a new purchase. What’s important is to add accountability.
For example, you can promise yourself to trade one thing out for one thing in. It boosts the equilibrium of your mess-free space.
9. Level of Declutter Varies by Location

Your apartment space needs to be neatly kept, but the level of cleanliness varies by location.
For instance, there are specific areas that naturally cannot be cluster-free. Kitchen cabinets are one with all the kitchen utensils, so a small amount of clutter is acceptable.
If kitchen cabinet space is limited, check out this post about ideas on how to best utilize top-of-the-fridge decor.
10. Space-Saving Storage Solutions

To live in a breathable space, you must adopt intelligent storage solutions.
Leverage multi-functional furniture such as a coffee table to divide space and store objects to maximize their best use.
Add incremental storage, such as a microwave holder, to gain more storage out of smaller spaces.
11. Feng Shui Principles for Decluttering

Having paper clutter or empty shampoo bottles piled up is no good to your Feng Shui.
We are aiming for a clean aura, and the decluttering project can achieve that.
12. Say bye to Gifts to Declutter Small Apartment

Gifts are not always helpful and loved, yet they are hard to eliminate. I for one, feel guilty about the idea. It sounds unappreciative.
It’s essential to let an unwanted gift go. Remember that giving and receiving is completed; now it is only an object at your home.
And you have complete control over it. If it’s not something you enjoy, maybe giving it away is the best way to make it more meaningful.
13. Arrangement of Objects

While decluttering, storing things the right way each time can save you time in the long run.
For instance, storing clothes upright during your closet cleanout will add visual clarity for the future and can prevent you from over-purchasing.
14. You don’t have to finish in one go

Take off the pressure of getting it right in one go. Treat every session as a fresh start. Take small steps.
By doing a little bit at a time, you are avoiding cleaning burnout and thus can achieve more of your decluttering goals.
15. Leverage existing containers first

I know it’s tempting, but the first step of decluttering is not to buy new storage containers or clothes hangers.
Look around your closet; you already have existing containers to get started; chances are, it’s more than enough. In this post, we share the best hacks for organizing your bra collection for a better-looking closet; check it out if you’re interested!
Purge before you splurge. You can then examine what is actually in need and buy accordingly.
16. Seasonal Cleaning

Deep cleanse with the rhythm of the seasons. You can do it twice or all four seasons; all there are are simple rules.
Spring is my favorite season and a good time to start. If you are new to this, check out our blog post about the 32 best decor ideas to revive the space in spring.
Taking off all the Holiday decor and seasonal items will completely change the room’s atmosphere. A spring cleaning will set the right tone for your new year.
Maybe conduct major declutters in Fall and Spring as the closet swipe out is in dying need. Then, Summer and Winter sessions are just bonus points to throw in.
17. The Aftermath – Daily Maintenance

If you’ve reset the apartment home the correct way, it shouldn’t take you a lot of energy for daily maintenance.
A tip is to do your reset in the same order each time. That way, you will memorize the winning formula and turn decluttering into a routine habit you can do on autopilot.
Final Thoughts

Following my decluttering guide, you can transform your small apartment into a clutter-free zone.
A true luxury is one’s inner peace. You will be amazed by how much you feel empowered by a decluttered small apartment.
As always, I hope that you find this article helpful. Now, take a deep breath. It’s time to get started on the apartment decluttering!